IMPORTANT: For all website owners and creators
What Is Mobile-First and Why You Need It
Google’s Search Now Favors Mobile-First Websites Over Responsive Built Sites
Our MobiFirst site builder is the first platform that allows you to quickly create Mobile-First websites.

About Mobile-First
The most important Google Search update that effects all businesses and websites owners.
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re already aware of the importance of having a mobile-friendly website, and are looking to make sure that yours is offering a great experience to mobile users. We can teach you how to do that!
When we talk about a ‘mobile-friendly’ website, we’re talking about displaying a different ‘version’ of your website to visitors that are viewing your site from mobile devices, in order to give them a better experience.
There are several ways you can achieve this:
Responsive design – your website’s design resizes itself to adapt or fit the screen size, whether you’re just changing the size of your desktop browser or viewing it from a mobile or tablet.
Adaptive (Mobile-First) – visitors are shown a different webpage or elements within a page depending on the device they’re viewing it from.
A mobile app – in some cases, having a mobile app for your mobile audience makes the most sense. with our MobiFirst Builder you can easily convert your website into an progressive web app (PWA) that people can install on their smartphones home screen without the traditional hassle of app stores. Plus PWAs allow for the sending of push messages, also called push notifications. A huge advantage that allows you to promote your business with smartphone alerts.
Mobile-First Website Design Strategy
The what and why behind Mobile-First
Nearly 80% Of Websites Are Visited on Mobile
Google's switch to prioritizing Mobile-First sites and give them higher ranks in their search index should be a cause of concern for all website owners. Our MobiFirst Site Builder creates responsive and adaptive sites that are lightning fast.
Mobile-First design is a key ingredient to successful website design in 2022. Designing for the smallest screens first, and then working your way up empowers website designers to focus on the core functions, this in turn helps improve website search ranks in Google Search. Once designed for mobile a developer can opt to include additional elements for desktop displays if needed.
This is because when you start with desktop-first, you design very broadly and add many features. Then you have to check later which function or element is really important for viewing on a mobile device. When you start with Mobile-First you first start thinking about the most important features, which you can then also give more attention on desktop.
Revolutionary, Mobile-First Site-Builder by MobiFirst Makes It Easy To Create The Best Performing Mobile Websites On the Internet That Google Absolutely Loves!
How to code a Mobile-First website?
Now by Mobile-First I just mean that we're going to be coding the website with mobile screen sizes at first.
And then move on to larger screen sizes. The traditional way has always been to create webpages for the desktop screens first, but since Google Search now prefers sites that were build a Mobile-First strategy, it should be priority that you use a Mobile-First Site Builder as Google will give your site priority over traditionally built websites and even sites built to be responsive. MobiFirst Site Builder creates sites that are not only responsive, but they are also adaptive, more on that later.
When you create a responsive (desktop first) and later tweak the webpages for mobile, you could say that you're hacking the site to fit the smaller screens, this also adds extra code that slows down your mobile site, and since Google now indexes sites looking at the mobile version and it's loading speed, sites that were traditionally build using the responsive design can't compete with Mobile-First sites.
When you start with Mobile-First, you first start thinking about the most important features, which you can then also give more attention on desktop. Elements can be enabled or disabled on either mobile or desktop. Switch on or off content or images on either desktop displays or mobile devices.
What exactly is the difference between a responsive verses Mobile-First website?
Responsive / Adaptive
A responsive website is reactive — the design moving fluidly to fit devices. A Mobile-First website is when the mobile website was planned and designed in tandem with the desktop site, making proactive changes to the overall design to ensure the mobile experience is just as good as the desktop experience. An advantage of the MobiFirst Site Builder is that it creates both adaptive and responsive sites. With adaptive the the browser first checks the display size of the screen that is requesting the webpage and then displays a page that perfectly fits the clients screen size. This in turn allows for the fastest loading speeds possible.
Websites that are Mobile-First also means they are capable of being used by millions of mobile device users without any interruptions or crashes.
Tips when creating a mobile site?
To make a website mobile-friendly, or Mobile-First you'll need to:
Register for a MobiFirst account.
Within the MobiFirst builder are website templates, either choose one for your industry or start with an empty site.
By using a template you can have a website completed in as fast as a few minutes. Simply modify or switch out the existing content with your own.
MobiFirst also includes thousands of royalty free images that you can insert right into your webpages.
Make images and CSS as light as possible. In addition, the MobiFirst site builder also automatically compresses images that you upload while remaining high quality. This allows helps keep the site fast-loading.
Avoid Flash.
Space out your links, this is preferred by Google Search Console.
Use a large and readable font. < /p>
Eliminate pop-ups.
Those are just a few of the recommended tips on creating sites that may rank well in search engines.
Benefits of designing Mobile-First
Finally, taking a mobile first design approach allows you to think about what actually needs to be on your site. Rather than trying to add fluff, with the Mobile-First strategy you focus on the more important information that the user actually wants to see. < /p>
Designing for Mobile-First and then expanding on to desktop version later may seem awkward at first, but the benefits are well worth it.
Our MobiFirst Website Builder is the world's first and only Mobile-First Website Builder and makes creating sites very simple. It includes a template gallery that allows you to create and launch an entire website in minutes, simply choose a template category, select a design and replace or modify the information in the template with your own. The MobiFirst Builder even includes royalty free images that you can insert into your designs.
Once our clients start using the site builder, they quickly discover its ease of use and prefer using it over WP.
You can give it a try for free. We also often release white lable licenses that allow you to rebrand our system completely with your brand and logo. Unlike other white label plates, you can create your own plans and resell them and keep 100% of the profits.
Other reasons why Mobile-First is important
Mobile-First designed websites also push you to make your digital products more readable on smaller screens—and therefore, more accessible to people who might have more difficulty viewing smaller screens. When your designs help people with limited vision they won't leave your site, and they'll also help everyone else.
Mobile-First ensures that you deliver the right user experience the right screen. With such limited space available on a mobile phone screen designing for that makes far more sense. Designers must prioritize the elements of the website that are most important.
In short, the “Mobile-First” principle has an important role in web design. On the one hand, it saves product design time as well as improving productivity. It forces website creators to pay more attention to the content, which helps them to create improved website designers.
Disadvantages of Mobile-First Design
Learning to do things in a different way. But with the our MobiFirst Builder you'll soon discover it's the better way. Our clients quickly discover that this is a better way to design sites. Clients have said that within a short time they feel more comfortable using the MobiFirst website builder over WordPress or Wix. And our builder is not sluggish like those and other builders.
Restrictive for Both Space and Creativity. Obviously, mobile sites don't have as much space as desktop sites. MobiFirst Builders interface has a virtual smartphone that displays the site as it's being build, as a web designer a simple click of a button opens a preview window where you can see functional virtual displays of a PC, tablet and a smartphone. or open another window and work on a full-size desktop version at the same time.